About me

My name is Shëkufe Tadayoni Heiberg

I’m a Persian-Danish poet and writer, living in Denmark. I write poetry and utopian prose, which I have named  bio-fi, standing for bioscientific fiction.

Besides writing, I run my own publishing house called Uro Small Press. In danish, the word Uro has two meanings. The one being the mobile you hang over children beds to calm dem down, and the other meaning  being “uncalm” (ro means calm, and u- is a negation). I like to think of the publishing work as my contribution to disturbing the status quo, especially considering matters of feminism and climate politics, and thereby offering a new peace in a new mutual understanding of the issues we are facing. In 2022 I will roll out a new series of small books called the Sister Climate serie. It will investigate ecofeminism from different artistic perspectives.

I am also fluent in my mother tongue, Persian, and translate fiction from Persian to Danish, and the other way around. I have a Masters degree in Literary science (Litteraturvidenskab) from Copenhagen University, with a thesis in Persian translation. You can se my works of translation here.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me, my email is shekufe@gmail.com

